Library Complete Conference Report
International Online Conference on 'Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Opportunities: Social Science, STEM and Information Science' was organized by Sankar Polytechnic College, India, San Jose State University, California, USA and SALIS, India IOC-ICO on 28th -29th February 2024. The inaugural function begins with the Tamilthai Vazhthu. Dr B Vijayalakshmi, Librarian welcomed all organisers, the diverse audience from different disciplines, different states, different countries. Dr A M Venkatachallam, President Salis, Library Director, KSRCT, Tiruchencode introduced the organisers. Dr. Anthony Chow, Director and Professor and ISchool Director, School of Information, San Jose State University, California, USA welcomed on behalf of SJSU and acknowledged Co-Sponsorship of the Conference. Dr A Sankara Subramanian, Principal/SPC, India delivered Presidential Address and released the Conference Proceedings. Conference received 78 Papers. Out of those, 57 papers were published in the Conference Proceedings with International Serial Book Number. Dr. Susan Alman, Gateway PhD Program Coordinator, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. delivered Keynote Address on Technologies and techniques in library and information science education. Dr. R.Gopalakrishanan, Principal, KSRCT, Tiruchengode delivered Keynote Address on Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Opportunities. Dr A Hariharan, Founder President proposed the vote of thanks. Zoom platform was used for online conference. Youtube live streaming also facilitated. Our Conference blog has received 7603 total page views. This Conference reached all over India and also abroad particularly the USA
Technical Session 1 was handled by Plenary Speaker Dr. Darra Hofman, MARA Coordinator, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA on Data Science. Chair Person was Dr K Indira Devi, Principal, GRG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore. Rapporteur was Dr. N. Raja, Associate Professor (Computer Science), Department of Basic Engineering and Applied Science Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Kumulur. 3 papers were presented by the paper contributors.
Technical Session 2 was handled by Plenary Speaker Dr. S. Indran, Research Scientist (Specialist 2), King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thailand on the topic of Modern Scientific Research Articles Writing: Tactics with E-Tools. Chair Person was Dr K Ramasamy, College Librarian, M V Muthiah Government Arts College for Women, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu and Rapporteur was Mrs S Gomathy, Librarian, Sri Sarada College for Women, Tirunelveli. 8 papers were presented by the paper contributors.
Technical Session 3 was handled by Plenary Speaker Dr. Anjaiah Mothukuri, Kakatiya University, Warangal on the topic of Library Collaborative Ideas. Chair Person was Dr L Radha, Librarian, Thiyagarajar College of Engineering , Madurai and Rapporteur was Dr Umai Arasi, M. Associate Professor / English, K S R College of Technology, Tiruchengode. 8 papers were presented by the paper contributors. 3 papers were presented by the paper contributors.
The second day began with Valedictory Function due to the time availability of USA Professionals. It was started with Tamilthai Vazhthu, followed by the Welcome Address by Dr E GajaLakshmi, Salis Secretary, Librarian, National School Drama, New Delhi. Mr R V Srinivasan, Administrative Officer, SPC, India delivered presidential address. Dr S Sudha Ponnarasi, Lecturer/EEE, SPC introduced the guests. Dr. Souvick Ghosh, Assistant Professor, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA delivered special address about Artificial Intelligence and its applications. Professor Prabir G Dastidar, Former Scientist G/Advisor, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt of India, New Delhi delivered Valedictory Address. Sir highlighted about the collaborative research opportunities. Dr K Elavazhagan, Librarian & Chief Knowledge Officer, Indian Institute of Management, Trichy delivered the felicitation address. Dr. B Vijayalakshmi, Organizing Secretary, IOC-ICO & Librarian, SPC proposed vote of thanks.

After that, Technical Session 4 was handled by Plenary Speaker Dr V Vimalkumar, Reference Assistant, Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam on the topic of Reimagining Publishing: Embracing Collaborative Platforms for the Creation of Living Books. Chair Person was Dr P Balasubramanian. University Librarian & Head, Department of Library & Information Science, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli and Rapporteur was Dr M Mani, Librarian, DDGD Vaishnav College (Autonomous), Chennai. 8 papers were presented by the paper contributors.
Technical Session 5 was handled by Plenary Speaker Dr. Anjali Gulati, SJSU Alumni - MLIS from ischool SJSU, Presently Associate Professor University of Lucknow, Lucknow on the topic of Exploring Contrasts: MLIS Education in Virtual vs Face-to Face Settings. Chair Person was Dr K Murugan, Librarian, Sri Parama Kalyani College, Tirunelveli and Rapporteur was Dr G Radha, Librarian, Sri Sarada College for Women, Tirunelveli. 9 papers were presented by the paper contributors.
Each technical session were followed by Paper Presentation Session. Totally 30 Papers were presented across India and abroad. With the National Anthem, The programme came to an end.