To identify and organize need based value added programmes to the students.
To identify and conduct need based training in critical areas to industry
Under this project, initially several job oriented courses like JCB Operation, Cell phone repair and service, Gold appraiser course, Computer Hardware Service, Catering Technology, CNC Programming and Operations (Lathe and Milling) are conducted for the benefit of our students as well as the public. Now the following courses are conducted under SPCU-CIICP continuing education

A Two days faculty development Programme on Teaching Applied Mathematics I and II using GeoGebra software was conducted at our institution on18.03.2024 & 19.03.2024. The programme was sponsored by DoTE-SPCU and organized by CIICP and Department of Mechanical Engineering, SPC, Tirunelveli. The Mathematics staff members of Tirunelveli region polytechnic colleges participated in this programme.